Links for Efficient Stove Technology and Combustion of Biomass
I spend way too much time surfing the web looking for the latest ideas in the "Stover" community and in the field of Renewable Energy on the Small Scale. I'm hoping this Links page may be a way for me to organize some of my favorite sites, and maybe share ideas and projects with my visitors as well.
"Keep burning clean"
This is a really great link to a detailed construction Handbook to the Peko Pe Grass Cooker, developed by Norwegian Engineer Paul Wendelbo. What I find especially interesting in this link is the Hybrid Metal/Clay TLUD instructions.
"Keep burning clean"
This is a really great link to a detailed construction Handbook to the Peko Pe Grass Cooker, developed by Norwegian Engineer Paul Wendelbo. What I find especially interesting in this link is the Hybrid Metal/Clay TLUD instructions.